Make a donation.
Your donation helps give a child hope.
Your donated funds make it possible to continue to help the children through the distribution center. We give out over $12million of in-kind items to foster and displaced children each year and our budget is a fraction of that with no government funding. A tax deductible receipt will be sent to you for your donation. Thank you for making a difference!
Want to send a contribution regularly? You can schedule a reccuring donation by changing the drop down option to weekly or monthly. Your recurring donation provides vital, basic care items to children in foster or relative care in Georgia.
Make a Donation
Sponsor a Child
We need people to sponsor one or more children with a monthly donation of only $25 or more per month per child to help to give basic care items that will make him or her feel special and loved.
More Ways to Give
There are many things that in-kind donations cannot do, such as payment for our facility and regular staff to lead our 10,000 annual volunteers that help us serve thousands of children each year. Whatever way you choose to give, your contribution makes an impact!
You can help us by remembering us in your monthly giving, endowments or special honoring or memorial giving.
We support all corporate matching gift programs. Please check with your employer to see if your company matches charitable donations or volunteer hours. It’s an easy way to double the impact of your donated funds or time.
You can also donate via mail by sending your check or money order to:
Foster Care Support Foundation
115 Mansell Place
Roswell, GA 30076