Your support helps give a child hope.
The Foster Care Support Foundation appreciates the support we receive from community organizations, businesses, and individual members. By utilizing the graphics and information included here, you help share our cause to the world and encourage your audiences to support displaced children in need. If you have any questions related to the use of our graphics or questions about media related events or details, please contact us at info@fostercares.org.
Who We Are
Foster Care Support Foundation serves a vital and growing need throughout Georgia by providing free clothing, infant equipment and developmental toys to thousands of children in foster and relative care. Over the past 21 years, FCSF has served over 70,000 children in the state of Georgia. In additional to basic care item distribution, FCSF supports Georgia’s displaced children through events such as Prom-a-Palooza, Grands Raising Grands Holiday Wish, and the Hope 4 Tomorrow Mentoring Program.
Our Vision
To help abused and neglected children experience a kind and nurturing daily life while displaced in foster and relative care.
Our Mission
To strengthen the ability of foster and relative care families to meet the needs of their displaced children by implementing a community-based resource and education that can decrease the need for institutionalized care.
Foster Care Support Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit, public charity organization.
Our original logo was designed by a 12 year old girl when the organization was founded in 2000. What originated simply as a child’s drawing has become our nationally recognized logo that we feel fully demonstrates the heart of our visual identity and the embodiment of our mission.
(Right Click in the gallery below to open image in a new tab and save)

Social Media Links
QR Code for quick access to our donation page
Social Posts
We’ve included a few samples and infographics that have been used to share our mission across social media platforms.

Photo Gallery
This gallery may be updated periodically with sharable images we feel best represent our programs and facilities.
(right click to open image in a new tab and save)

Ways to Give
There are many things that in-kind donations cannot do, such as payment for our facility and regular staff to lead our 10,000 annual volunteers that help us serve thousands of children each year. Whatever way you choose to give, your contribution makes an impact!
Your donated funds make it possible to continue to help the children through the distribution center. Thank you for making a difference!
Want to send a contribution regularly? You can schedule a recurring donation directly through our website. Make sure to select the weekly or monthly option in the drop down menu.
Sponsor one or more children with a monthly donation of only $25 or more per month per child. Your donation provides vital basic needs to a displaced child in the community.
You can help us by remembering us in your monthly giving, endowments or special honoring or memorial giving.
For in-memorials or honorary donations, a receipt and thank you will be sent to you and a thank you announcement of your thoughtfulness will be sent to the family honored.
We support all corporate matching gift programs. Please check with your employer to see if your company matches charitable donations or volunteer hours. It’s an easy way to double the impact of your donated funds or time.
You can also donate via mail by sending your check or money order to:
Foster Care Support Foundation
3334 Trails End Rd NE
Roswell, GA 30075